Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Re: 11019,227,000

Hello Robert, Nhan,

Not sure who I'm working with, Robert or Nhan, but...

I am working your PMR and understand you've had a modem failure and now wish to connect directly to your LAN to communicate to your trading partners.

Here is the information I'm going on from the PMR:

Called customer. He said they use Gentran Director 5.5 to communicate with modem.
The modem stopped working last Thursday and he want to know how to use the network cable (LAN) to communicate rather than the modem.
Advise someone from US Gentran team will investigate and contact him tomorrow morning.
He would like to be contacted after 9 AM Pacific time and agreed to reduce the severity to Sev2

So changing your communication profile will be pretty painless, as long as you have the appropriate destination.

1. Is your LAN active? Do you have internet access through the LAN now?
2. Have you been communicating directly with your trading partners or have you been connecting to the Sterling VAN via modem?
3. Do you already have a mailbox at the VAN?

I will call after 9 Pacific - but do I call Nhan at 818-248-5023 X119
or Robert at 213-713-1918?

- Mike

Michael E. Thompson
Sterling Gentran Director Support
IBM Austin, Texas, USA
Email: tmichael@us.ibm.com

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