Thursday, May 5, 2016

Your Choice


I can't think of a better way to pitch the value and urgency of you and I meeting than with customer quotes:

     "The best ROI of any software-buy we've done."  -John Hinshaw, EVP of Tech, HP

    "I couldn't do my job without DocuSign."  -Meredith Schmidt, Global SVP of Sales Operations,

     "The most productive tool within DuPont."  -Tim Kantor, Data Manager, DuPont

Now, maybe we talk and you don't think DocuSign will be as valuable to you as we are to John, Meredith, and Tim, but wouldn't it be worth the conversation?

Let me know if you would meet this week or next and I'll coordinate.  Thank you.


Melanie Neff
Market Development
Office: 206-582-4142

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